I am so sorry for not being here that much lately. Life and work happen and sometimes is harder to keep up with everything but luckily I have still managed to get lots of reading and writing done, which I will be sharing my recent reads and what I am planning for NaNoWriMo 2018, on a new blog post later.
For now, just wanted to share with you some exciting news, again, sorry for being late with the announcement but never too late.
Last year I had the opportunity to work with Author Kerr-Ann Dempster and helped her translating one of her published works, The Reluctant Sacrifice, from the english language to the spanish language. An amazing experience which I will always be grateful to her for such opportunity.
El Sacrificio Imposible (The Reluctant Sacrifice) is a young adult, paranormal romance, which tells us the story of Aubrey who has to jump from body to body to survive and ultimately despite her love for Joshua try to escape from him and the sacrifice she is being forced to go through in order to save the people from Aramith.
You can find Kerr-Ann to know more about The Reluctant Sacrifice and the next book in the series and her other works here: https://www.kerr-ann.com/
Available for purchase on Amazon only.
Link to Amazon for English Edition: Paperback and Kindle
Link to Amazon for Spanish Edition: Paperback and Kindle
Title: El Sacrificio Imposible
Genre: YA, Romance
Author: Kerr-Ann Dempster, Wendy Esquivel (Translator)
Publication Date: August 31, 2018
Language: Spanish
Paperback: 313 pages
Book Description
Siglos atrás, la rivalidad entre hermanos destruyó Aramith. Como castigo, los perdedores fueron despojados de su Inmortalidad y condenados a vivir en la Tierra, consumidos en la vejez y enfermedades. Pero aún hay esperanza.
Si un niño Shaw, nacido el día doce del mes doce ofrece su alma en un sacrificio público, los Exiliados serán perdonados y recibidos de vuelta a casa en Aramith. Aubrey Shaw es esa niña, pero morir por los Exiliados no está en su lista de tareas pendientes.
Usando su don de Jumper, Aubrey se muda de un cuerpo a otro para escapar de los cazadores despiadados que cambian de forma física. Sin embargo, mudar de piel no es suficiente. No cuando Joshua, su mejor amigo, convertido en cazador, se empeña en arrastrarla al altar.
¿EL AMOR DE AUBREY SERÁ SUFICIENTE PARA QUE JOSHUA CAMBIE DE PARECER? ¿O tendrá que confiar en el desconocido afligido, que aparece de la nada envuelto en mentiras y secretos? Hacerlo significa renunciar a Joshua, pero apostar por el amor de Joshua podría hacer más que romper su corazón. PODRIA MATARLA.
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