
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

NaNoWriMo 2016: Week 4

Hello dear readers and writers,

Today is the last day of Nanowrimo 2016. I  finished the challenge last week, on November 23. My word count that day was 51377 words. Did not wirte anything new the last 6 days due to the Holiday and been out of town did not have time to write. I will be doing some writing at the write in tonight and will be reporting my Final Word Count for November. Another year, another win but more than that I finished project. Before starting Nano this year I did a lot of prep and knew what I wanted to write about. It does not mean the writing process was easier but all that prep helped a lot and now I cant wait for the editing process to start. It feels good to have a finished project, a draft that has more shape and feels more complete comparing to other years. 

Another year of very productive Write-Ins, sharing all that time with fellow writers and friends and meeting new writers, a lot of reading and the satisfaction of completing the challenge one more year.

Hope you all participating in Nanowramo had a fantastic time.

Happy Writing.


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