
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

NaNoWriMo 2016: Week 2

Hello dear readers and writers,

Just a few things to report for week two. One, as of last night I'm half way through the challenge word count wise, 25k+. It was a very productive week, lots of stories, lots of thoughts on paper. The other thing is I have been reading The Best American Short Stories of 2016 and have found a lot of inspiration and motivation for my own writing. These first two weeks I have been focused on short stories but there are poems that have been in my mind for a long time now that I need to let out as well, which I know will be on paper very soon. Not much of editing or free writing, just writing what I feel I need to write, want I want to write, letting it out, the rest will have its own time.

Hope you all participating in Nanowramo are having a fantastic time.

Happy Writing.


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